Facing Tear Gas

Facing Tear Gas was a WRL storying-telling project and campaign which began in early 2012 and lasted into late 2014. That campaign was an essential step in us developing an opposition to the SWAT training/weapons expo Urban Shield, expanding from that to attack its funder the Urban Areas Security Initiative as Demilitarize Health and Security, to finally our present, nationally oriented campaign against police militarization NoSWATzone, growing coalitions at multiple SWAT training sites around the country. Below are the archives of Facing Tear Gas’ history and we hope can serve as a continuing resource for  and the ongoing struggle to end repression, tear gas and beyond. 

To that end, you will find below deep research into teargas companies and key players in the movement against the use of this widespread weapon:




Campaign History

Global Network

Movement Profiles

About Tear Gas

Company Targets

Government Targets

Resources About Tear Gas

Our Statements on Tear Gas

Tear Gas Stories

News on Facing Tear Gas Campaign

Facing Tear Gas in Prison

“You Can’t Tear Us Apart”: A Participatory Workshop on Militarism and Tear Gas

Rejecting U.S. Tear Gas in Egypt: Honoring Asma Mohamed in 2012


[Above image by Santiago Armengod (Mazatl) in memory of Juan Francisco Kuykendall Leal, or “Kuy”, a great activist and teacher who was murdered in 2012 by police projectile teargas. Read about his story here.]