News and Media

For interviews and all other media inquiries, please call our office at 212.228.0450, or contact us by email at wrl [at] or via our Contact page.

Nicholson Baker to Give the War Resisters League’s “Dave Dellinger Lecture on Nonviolence”


For Immediate Release

Contact the NYC War Resisters League
Phone: 718-768-7306
Email: nycwrl [at]

Award-Winning Author to Talk About
War, Nonviolence and History

Nicholson Baker to Give the War Resisters League’s “Dave Dellinger Lecture on Nonviolence”

MEDIA ADVISORY:"Killing People Is Not What I Am," Says AWOL GI

Daniel Marble: 732-644-5820
Attorney Larry Hildes: 360-715-9788
Chuck Fager, Quaker House: 910-323-3912


"Killing People Is Not What I Am", Says AWOL GI

A soldier who went AWOL two years ago rather than take part in combat is enroute to Fort Bragg to face military authorities.

PFC Daniel Marble, 25, went AWOL in August 2006 after he finished combat training. He was arrested on January 26 at his home in New Jersey on January 23, 2009.

Memorial for long-time WRL staff member Karl Bissinger

A memorial for long-time War Resisters League staff member Karl Bissinger will be held on Thursday, January 29, 6 pm in the Community Room at Westbeth (155 Bank Street) in the west Village. Karl, who died last November, began his involvement with WRL and the peace movement 50 years ago and was on the WRL staff from 1973 to 2006. In the 1940s and 50s he was a noted photographer before getting involved in the peace movement.

Volunteering at WRL

December 2008

Volunteers Needed

The War Resisters League designs, produces and distributes thousands of pieces of literature and organizing resources each year, including books, brochures, organizing guides, buttons, t-shirts and a range of current and classic anti-war posters.  We need volunteers to help us fulfill the dozens of orders we receive each week from activists across the country, all working to end war and to create a more peaceful and just society.
