Activist Profile: YouthPeace Club

2009 marked the 10th anniversary of the YouthPeace Club based in a high school in Norwich, CT. 

“YouthPeace is a group of youth who do not accept war, racism, sexism, homophobia, or exploitation as facts of life. We work for nonviolent resolution of all conflicts from personal to international.”

The high school students who started the YouthPeace Club—Patrick Sheehan-Gaumer and Matt Wiedenheft—were inspired by WRL events they attended,  including the YouthPeace Organizer Training in 1997 and the WRL 75th Anniversary conference in 1998.  Their first priority was and remains counter-recruiting, including running an Opt-Out campaign for the past 6 years (we helped over 600 students get off the military recruiters lists this year). They started an “Alternatives to the Military” tabling effort in the Fall of 1998 that continues today and the YouthPeace Club was organized in  the Spring of 1999. Pat and Matt continue to support  the young activists. Patrick meets with them weekly, and coordinates the counter-recruitment efforts. Matt encourages their use of political art, including teaching them to silk screen patches and is currently working on creating a community garden project.


The YouthPeace Experiment is an annual weekend training organized by WRL/New England with the participation of the students. The name comes from a quote by Gandhi  “Those who are attracted to nonviolence should, according to their ability and opportunity, join the experiment.” Many YouthPeace activists have become WRL activists, including Patrick and Angie Hart who have both served on the WRL National Committee.