April 8 2011 Pentagon Action

Announcing an April 8 Civil Resistance Action at the Pentagon:

We will come together in solidarity to act in resistance against the activities of the U.S. military and form autonomous affinity groups that will be acting in nonviolent civil resistance at the Pentagon on April 8.  We will encourage groups to descend on the Pentagon around noon on April 8, but each group will decide when and where to meet to begin their action.

To all who are sick of heart and conscience over these actions by our government, we call on you to join us at the Pentagon on April 8 for actions of nonviolent civil resistance as we take the risks of peacemaking.

Now is a time for dissent not despair; for deepened commitment to peace, not complacency with war; for strengthened resistance, not weakened resolve.  In the spirit and discipline of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and others, and for the sake of humanity, for the sake of peace and justice, and for the sake of Mother Earth we must act now.

Why participate?

  • The U.S. military is the entity most responsible for destabilizing our environment.  There are innumerable reasons for this, including these examples: the exorbitant use of fossil fuels, depleted uranium weapons, worldwide transport of weapons and personnel, unlimited air travel, engagement in war and the possession, upkeep and transport of nuclear weapons.


  • U.S. Wars rage on in Iraq and Afghanistan, causing immeasurable human suffering.


  • U.S. drone bombs continue to kill innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other places around the world.


  • Our military spending is out of control while we have no money to meet basic human needs here in the U.S.


  • Torture and illegal indefinite detentions continue in Guantanamo, Bagram, and other places around the world.


  • The U.S. provides billions of dollars to countries which repress its citizens and neighbors, works closely with death squads in Colombia and Indonesia, trains Latin American soldiers, who have been involved in rampant human rights abuses, at the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation, and has established AFRICOM, which will ensure more U.S. intervention on the continent of Africa.

For more info, contact Joy First at joyfirst5 [at] gmail.com

WRL members should also contact Kimber Heinz at kimber [at] warresisters.org

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