23rd Annual Raffle for Resistance – 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Enter and win a holiday gift for a loved one!

Your raffle contribution goes directly to support the campaigns and programs of the War Resisters League in our efforts to end war and eliminate its causes.  We try to choose prizes with some special meaning, unique, handcrafted items and/or those from people or companies who are members and friends in the struggle for peace and justice.

It’s easy to enter! Order online or download and print out the raffle form, fill out each ticket and send in a donation ($3 per ticket, $25 per sheet of 12). Be sure to write your name, address and phone number on each ticket. Ensure that all tickets are entered by completing each one. We know that it can be tough to repeat this many times over, so freel free to use an address stamp or stickers. Surpise a friend or two by sending in a few tickets with their names as well.

You can also order more tickets to sell. We have a profit-sharing plan for groups that sell more than 50 tickets. Sell them at marches, demonstrations, concerts, conferences. Have them at your literature table. Contact us at wrl@warresisters.org to make the arrangements. Be sure to write “WRL Raffle 2011” in the subject line.

We are always eager for new suggestions and offers of prizes for future raffles. Please let us hear from you!

Raffle Drawing: November 22, 2011
Suggested donation $3 per ticket/$25 for 12.

1st Prize  4 Nights on Cape Cod Take your family and friends on a retreat or short vacation to this quiet getaway on Cape Cod, MA. The three-room house, located next to a nature preserve near Hyannis and Woods Hole, includes a wonderful screened-in porch! (Sorry, travel is not included.)

2nd Prize  PM Press Gift Certificate Peruse the PM Press web site (www.pmpress.org) and select $75 worth of entertaining, educational, and inspirational gifts: radical and stimulating fiction and nonfiction books, pamphlets, and visual and audio materials, plus attractive t-shirts.

3rd Prize  Donnelly Colt Gift Certificate Donnelly Colt (www.donnellycolt.com) produces and distributes a huge selection of peace and social justice buttons, bumper stickers, mugs, books, DVDs. and much more. Use a $50 gift certificate to choose items or request a custom creation.

4th Prize  Jerry Downs Photograph Jerry Downs has photographed all over the world—from rose competitions to his many road trips—capturing beauty, humor, and human nature. Select a hand-signed unframed photo printed on archival paper from http://tinyurl.com/2vq5vu3.

5th Prize  House Dressing by Pacifeast. Prepared by WRL New England’s Rick Gaumer and Joanne Sheehan, this salad dressing lures WRLers from afar to weekend-long meetings! Feast on 4 pints of this special recipe. Includes tahini, tamari, garlic, ginger and lemon juice.

6th Prize  “Grace Paley: Collected Shorts” Lilly Rivlin’s acclaimed documentary brings to life the momentous times in which Grace Paley, a beloved WRL activist and renowned writer, lived and worked as she reads from her short stories, poems and essays.

7th Prize  A Saving Remnant By award-winning historian Martin Duberman, this is a dual biography of two fascinating pacifists and civil rights activists, Barbara Deming and David McReynolds. Both were central to WRL and participated in many other social justice struggles.

8th Prize  The New Earth From Above Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s book—composed of breathtaking, full-color aerial photographs taken across the continents and coupled with informative text—reminds us of Earth’s beauty and fragility. Features 60 new, previously unpublished photos.

9th Prize  Textile from Afghanistan National Committee member Jim Haber visited Afghanistan on a peace delegation and brought back this beautiful fabric from Jalalabad. Can be worn as a large scarf or used as a table runner.

10th Prize  Pan African Book on Peace Seeds Bearing Fruit, edited by Elavie Ndura- Ouédraogo, Judith Atiri, and WRL’s Matt Meyer, recounts the stories of local acts of creative resistance and draws inspiration from elders and youth.

11th Prize  Hand-Woven Tais This traditional textile was brought back from East Timor by longtime WRL activists Jill Sternberg and Charlie Scheiner who live and work there. Typical of crafts created by East Timorese women, it makes a wonderful throw or wall hanging.

12th Prize  Blood Orange Necklace Wear or give this dazzling pendant made from a slice of real fruit on a silver chain! Designer Zoe Einbinder, of Real Fruit Jewelry, carefully preserves the beauty of nature and seals it with a hard, waterproof coating. Durable and absolutely unique.

13th Prize  War Resisters League Loot A copy of Organize This!– the 2012 Peace Calendar; a baseball cap with WRL’s broken rifle logo; and an Alternative Apparel t-shirt with a gorgeous Cristy Road graphic of a broken rifle and dove, a variation on our signature image.

Extra 14th Prize!   Silver and Herkimer Diamond Bookmark Donated by WRL member Patricia Frezza-Gressler