25th Annual Raffle for Resistance

Friday, December 6, 2013 from 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

Suggested contribution:
$3 per ticket,
$25 for a sheet of 12


Raffle Drawing: December 6, 2013


Surprise a friend or two by sending in a few tickets with their names as well! You can also order more tickets to have more chances or sell. We have a profit-sharing plan for groups that sell more than 50 tickets. For information, contact us at wrl@warresisters.org.


Have a quiet getaway on Cape Cod, MA. The three-room house, kindly offered by member Craig Simpson, is next to a nature preserve near Hyannis and Woods Hole and includes a wonderful screened-in porch!

(b) 3 Nights at Rhode Island Country House
Enjoy a stay at this comfortable country house in the charming town of little compton, RI on the western side of the Sakonnet River. Near public beaches, wineries. Sleeps up to 6 people.

(c) 3 Nights at Cabin in the Sierras
Donated by members Jan and David Hartsough, this comfortable cabin, five minutes’ walk from Echo Lake, CA, has three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and a deck looking out at the mountains and Lake Tahoe in the distance. Surrounded by national forest with lots of hiking nearby.

(Sorry, travel is not included for Grand Prizes.)

2nd PRIZE – Basket from South Africa
National Committee member Matt Meyer picked out this lovely, brightly colored woven basket from KwaZulu Natal provInce when visiting South Africa to plan the next War Resisters International conference.

3rd Prize – Quartz Bookmark
Member Patricia Frezza-Gressler offers a lovely bookmark made of silver and a Herkimer diamond, a double-terminated quartz found in upstate New York.

4th Prize – House Dressing by Pacifeast
Prepared by WRL New England’s Rick Gaumer and Joanne Sheehan, this salad dressing lures WRLers from afar to weekend-long meetings! Feast on 4 pints of this special recipe. Includes tahini, tamari, garlic, ginger and lemon juice.

5th Prize – Palestinian Cookbook
The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey is full-color with over 120 recipes largely unknown to outsiders. Conversations with cooks, farmers, economists and provide a rare glimpse into daily life for the 1.7 million inhabitants of the embattled Gaza Strip.


6th Prize – Indian Carving & Scarf
Staffer Joanne Sheehan picked these items out at the khadi store in Ahmedabad, India, near two ashrams started by Gandhi. Here they sell crafts made with a commitment to self-reliance and nonviolence. Hand-carved wooden elephant mother and calves, 4” x 3.5” x 2.5”.  Traditional Indian Batik silk scarf, 35” square.

7th Prize – NYC Guitar Lessons 
One month’s worth of weekly, hour-long, private guitar lessons in NYC with WRL National Committee member Will Travers.  Playing for over 20 years, Will is an experienced teacher who can accommodate most styles and most skill levels. $120 value.

8th Prize – UpSet Press Goody Bag 
(a) Three books by this literary press with a strong political focus. Born Palestinian, Born Black & The Gaza Suite by Suheir Hammad;  a little history by Ammiel Alcalay; The Comeback’s Exoskeleton by Matthew Rotando

9th Prize –  UpSet Press Goody Bag 
(b) Three books by this literary press with a strong political focus.  Halal Pork & Other Stories by Cihan Kaan; Vocalises by Jenny Husk; from the warring factions by Ammiel Alcalay

10th Prize – UpSet Press Goody Bag 
(c) Two books by this literary press with a strong political focus. The Blond Texts & The Age of Embers by Nadia Tueni (translated by Amir Parsa); Theater of War: The Plot Against the American Mind by Nicholas Powers

11th Prize – Antique Cut Glass Bowl
Member Elena Kingsland offers this elegant, early 20th century serving piece. Put some sparkle in your celebration! 9” diameter; 4”deep. 

12th Prize – AK Press Gift Certificate 
Choose $75 worth of merchandise from AK Press’ vast selection of books, videos, Ebooks, magazines, shirts and more! This worker-run and collectively managed publisher has an amazing array of left political and cultural materials. www.akpress.org

13th Prize – PM Press Gift Certificate
PM Press Gift Certificate Peruse the PM Press web site (www.pmpress.org) and select $75 worth of entertaining, educational, and inspirational gifts: radical and stimulating fiction and nonfiction books, pamphlets, and visual and audio materials, plus attractive t-shirts.

14th Prize – Donnelly Colt Gift Certificate
Long-time members Kate Donnelly and Clay Colt (www.donnellycolt.com) produce and distribute a huge selection of peace and social justice buttons, stickers, mugs, books, DVDs  and much more. Use a $50 gift certificate to choose items or request a custom creation.

15th Prize – Hand-Woven Tais
The tais is East Timor’s traditional textile; this beautiful, hand-woven one is typical of those created by East Timorese women and makes a wonderful throw or wall hanging.

16th Prize – Bread and Puppet Banner

Donated by Karin Digia and created by the renowned puppet theater company. Featuring an impish character on a tiger, and the words “Insurrection Circus”, this banner makes a whimsical yet radical statement (black and red paint on white fabric) Can be hung indoors or outdoors.

17th Prize – Peach Necklace
Wear or give this dazzling pendant made from a slice of real fruit on a silver chain! Designer Zoe Einbinder, of Real Fruit Jewelry, carefully preserves the beauty of nature and seals it with a hard, waterproof coating. Durable and absolutely unique.

18th Prize – Catholic Worker Books
National Committee Member Rosalie Riegle contributed her books Voices from the Catholic Worker: an Oral History of the Catholic Worker Movement (Temple University Press, 1993) and Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her (Orbis Books, 2003).

19th Prize – WRL 90th Anniversary Loot
A tote bag, t-shirt and button with our beautiful anniversary logo featuring the resistance fist and the peace symbol cleverly drawn as a ‘90’

20th Prize – WRL Gear
Wear your anti-militarism on your sleeve! Or at least on your head and chest. Black baseball cap, blue t-shirt, and a cast metal pin all with our classic broken rifle logo.



If you prefer to buy your tickets through the mail, please download this file, fill it out and send it, with a check, to:

2013 Raffle Tickets
War Resisters League
339 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012

Your raffle contribution directly supports the campaigns and programs of War resisters league in our efforts to end war and eliminate its causes. We try to choose prizes with some special meaning: unique, handcrafted items and/or those from people or companies who are members and friends in the struggle for justice and peace. We are eager for new suggestions and prize donations. Please let us hear from you!