Book Event in DC with Rosalie Riegle, author of Doing Time for Peace and Crossing the Line

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

One day before our 90th Anniversary Conference begins in Washington, DC, WRL National Committee member author Rosalie Riegle will sign and discuss her books Doing Time for Peace: Resistance, Family, and Community and Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak Out for Peace.

Wednesday, July 31
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Busboys & Poets
5th & K | Cullen Room

This event is cosponsored by Jonah House, Murphy Peace Institute, War Resisters League, and the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker

Free and open to the public. Both titles available for purchase at the Busboys and Poets Book store located at 5th & K.