Celebrating Linda Thurston

Saturday, August 20, 2022 – 2:30pm
And announcing the Linda Thurston Archival Internship
Celebrating Linda Thurston
Linda Marie Thurston, our Sister and Friend, passed away in May of 2021. Linda spent a lifetime forging connections among people, organizations and communities in the movements for abolition, liberation and peace & justice. She is deeply missed. Over a year on since her homegoing and in the month of her 64th birthday, Linda’s family and community at War Resisters League and Critical Resistance invite you to A Celebration of Linda’s Life.
We gathered at Judson Memorial Church in New York City on Saturday, August 20, 2022 for an afternoon of reflection to remember and honor her life’s work. The program was live streamed and recorded, for those who could not attend in person. The day included reflections from Linda’s family and friends, readings from Linda’s writings, recordings of Linda speaking, music and spoken word performance, mementos and books, and a sacred space for Linda’s altar. Food and beverages were available after the program.
Event Details:
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South, New York, NY
Saturday, August 20th, 2 to 5pm
View or Print the event Program
Announcing the Linda Thurston Archival Internship
In addition to Linda’s legacy as an abolitionist organizer and visionary, we at WRL remember Linda as a dedicated movement archivist. During her 15 years as WRL’s Operations Coordinator, Linda meticulously cataloged important moments in WRL’s history and endlessly brainstormed ideas for historical celebration, commemoration, and reckoning.
Linda was also deeply committed to WRL interns, as described in her obituary: “Linda was a transformative mentor. While sharing historical perspective, she listened to and validated the views of the young people she mentored…She derived tremendous joy and sustenance from these relationships.” Linda took each WRL intern under her wing, showing them the ropes, debriefing a meeting, event, or action with them, and listening to their hopes and fears.
In the tradition of internship programs that, for decades, have trained emerging leaders of peace and justice movements, many of whom were mentored by Linda, we are establishing the Linda Thurston Archival Internship. This internship will enable WRL and other organizations to preserve their histories for future generations and draw out lessons from the past.
We hope that you will join us in honoring Linda’s legacy. All donations will go to the Linda Thurston Internship Fund. The first Linda Thurston Archival Intern will begin in January 2023 and will be compensated fairly for their work.
Donations to the Linda Thurston Internship Fund can be made by clicking here or by check. Checks payable to War Resisters League should have “LT Intern Fund” in the memo line. If you wish to make a tax deductible gift of $50 or more you may do so through our fiscal sponsor, the AJ Muste Memorial Institute. Checks payable to the AJ Muste Memorial Institute should have “WRL/LT Intern Fund” in the memo line. Checks can be sent to WRL, 30 E 125th St #229, New York, NY 10035