Hiroshima/Nagasaki 70th Anniversary Events

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 from 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Hiroshima/Nagasaki 70th Anniversary Events

Protest nuclear weapons and mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the following events . . .

NYC //

Peace Gathering to Commemorate 70th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 5

Time: Noon

Place: Japanese Consulate entrance, 299 Park Ave. (at 48th St.), Manhattan

Sponsored by Raging Grannies, Granny Peace Brigade, Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi, Codepink, Peace Action, NYC War Resisters League, among other groups

Interfaith Peace Gathering to Commemorate 70th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 5

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St., Manhattan

Sponsored by New York Society for Ethical Culture and supported by the Interfaith Center of New York and the Buddhist Council of New York

Hiroshima 70th Anniversary Vigil

Date: Thursday, Aug. 6

Time: 4 pm – 5 or so

Place: NY Public Library steps, Fifth Ave & 42nd Street, Manhattan

Bring your signs, banners, and  leaflets

Sponsored by Granny Peace Brigade, NYC War Resisters League, others

A Vigil and Exhibit of Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Antinuclear Actions Photos

Date: Saturday, Aug. 8

Time: noon to 5 pm

Place: Temperance Plaza, Tompkins Square Park, east of Avenue A at St. Marks Pl., Manhattan

Signs, banners, and leaflets are welcome.

Please join us for a half hour, an hour, or more.

Will include the short play by Dan Kinch called “A Clown, A Hammer, A Bomb, and God: A Disarmingly Simple Play” at 1 pm. It is based on a 1994 Plowshares action committed by Carl Kabat dressed as a clown who broke into an MX missile base in North Dakota.

Sponsored by NYC War Resisters League

Procession and Vigil to Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki and Oppose Nuclear Proliferation

Date: Sunday, Aug. 9

Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pm

Place: Casserly Hall, St. Joseph’s Greenwich Village Church, followed by a silent procession to and public vigil at Fr. Demo Square (Sixth Ave. btwn Carmine & Bleecker Sts.) ending at 4:30 pm.

Because of the prayerful nature of this event, please do NOT bring signs or banners but wear white.

Organized by Pax Christi Metro NY, co-sponsored by Manhattan Project and The Ribbon International 

Resources //

WRL Slideshow exhibit of Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Nuclear Action Photos