Prophecy Theater Party
New York NY

“How do you produce a pro-peace play in a country that is at war? How do you put positive Arab characters on stage at a time when negative stereotypes abound? How do you speak about the emotional costs, and loss of life, of the current wars to a nation that wants to forget?” (Playwright, Karen Malpede)
Theater Three Collaborative, Inc.
Friday, June 4, 2010 7:30 p.m.
A Benefit for the War Resisters League
Written & Directed by Karen Malpede
Starring 2 time Obie winner Kathleen Chalfant, 4 time Obie winner George Bartenieff, 2 time Tony winner Andre De Shields, Najal Said, Brendan Donaldson
With a premier in the UK, “Prophecy” received 4 stars in Time Out London’s Critics’ Choice, “A deeply felt exploration of the profound ruptures between old and young, west and east…With humor peppered throughout.”
After the performance, Chris Hedges and members of the production will have a discussion with audience members. Also, ticket buyers receive complimentary admission to a special Prophecy talk-back by Noam Chomsky, at New York Theater Workshop, June 8, at 10pm. Present ticket stub or program.
Fourth Street Theater
83 East 4th Street, NYC
(btw 2nd Ave & Bowery)
Tickets are available on a Sliding Scale $45 – $85+ (General Admission)
To buy tickets call (212) 228-0450 x17
For more information about the play visit
Cast of Prophecy: