Second Annual David Dellinger Lecture on Nonviolence

Thursday, October 25, 2007 from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York NY

Featuring activist and author
Kathy Kelly . . . and others
“Nonviolent Action in the Middle East”

Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger “ I wanted to bring closer the day when the whole country (and the world) would adopt nonviolent force as the only sane and ultimately successful way of securing and defending justice and freedom.” —David Dellinger on resistance to World War II

Contest Guidelines

  • Final length no more than 1,000-words
  • Topic is based on the quote above and Dave’s life of nonviolent activism.
  • In the context of the violence that plagues our contemporary world, essayists should show awareness of nonviolent theory and point to some examples of contemporary nonviolent resistance efforts, which may help to give meaning to the quotation above.
  • All essays are to be typed and double-spaced
  • Mail or email final essay to Dr. Anna J. Brown, Department of Political Science, Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ, 07306,
  • Essays must be received by 5 pm, October 5, 2007.
  • Winner will be invited to the lecture on October 25, 2007, and will receive a $100 prize.
  • An excerpt of his/her essay printed in the program of the Dellinger lecture and the full essay will be posted on the WRL website.

The David Dellinger essay contest and Lecture on Nonviolence honors the memory of revolutionary pacifist and activist Dave Dellinger (1915-2004). He was a World War II resister, civil rights activist, anti-Vietnam War leader, member of the Chicago Eight, and peace and justice activist until his death at 89. He is the author From Yale to Jail: The Life Story of a Moral Dissenter, Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays by David Dellinger, and Why I Refused to Register in the October 1940 Draft and a Little of What Led to It.

For more information about the life of David Dellinger and his writings, please see

All essays are to be typed and double-spaced and sent to Dr. Anna J. Brown, Department of Political Science, Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ, 07306 or emailed to ASAP!

Questions about the essay contest may be directed to Dr. Brown at or (201) 915-4963.