War Resisters Organizer Training Institute

Monday, June 23, 2008 from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT ENDING WAR? Are you an environmentalist; LGBT activist; concerned with immigrant rights; an artist? How do these issues intersect with war? Are you interested in building a nonviolent force in this country strong enough to shake the very foundations of militarism?

Then come to the War Resisters Organizer Training Institute, where folks from around the nation will gather and collectively strategize about how to build leadership, capacity, organization and a mass movement.

You will walk away with a solid grounding in:

  • organizing skills
  • campaign strategy
  • nonviolent direct action
  • GI resistance support
  • counter-recruitment
  • anti-racism & anti-sexism
  • revolutionary nonviolence
  • and much more

Individual participants $300
Participants sponsored by organizations: $400

This includes housing and meals for the entire week of June 23-29. It does not include travel to Voluntown, Connecticut. Participants must provide for their own travel expenses. There will be transportation from the place of your arrival to the Voluntown Peace Trust where the training is being held.

Scholarships are available to those in need. Please email, along with the application, a letter of explanation indicating your financial need and why you believe you qualify.

We strongly encourage those interested in attending the training to do fundraising in their respective communities. Contact progressive organizations in your communities, universities, student organizations/clubs for help. Do some work on one of their projects in exchange for funding. Or throw a fundraising party and develop new relationships and create spaces for progressive politics while you raise funds to attend the training. If you need further help or have questions do not hesitate to call the WRL national office at 212.228.0450 and speak to our Organizing Coordinator.

Download an application, fill it out and email it back to us at wrlATwarresisters.org.
Applications are due on May 29, 2008.