Michael Ratner, Presente!

May 11, 2016

Michael Ratner, PRESENTE

The fight for justice without borders lost a heroic leader when visionary human rights lawyer Michael Ratner died too soon on May 11. He was 72. For more than four decades, Michael led the Center for Constitutional Rights as it expanded the protections of the U.S. Constitution to citizens in and of other countries, often working with WRL and WRL members. The catalog of innovative causes he pursued for CCR is encyclopedic, but a short sample includes securing rights for Guantànamo detainees and winning damages for the family of a victim of a massacre in East Timor. In 2007, when WRL gave its Peace Award to CCR and the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition, it was Michael who appropriately accepted the award for CCR. Our hearts go out to his grieving wife, Karen Ranucci, and their children.

Read more about Michael Ratner’s life here: 

Center for Constitutional Rights


New York Times

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