National Committee Elections 2011
MAY 1, 2011
Balloting has closed. Thanks to everyone who voted!
The National Committee
The National Committee (NC) is WRL’s highest decision-making body and meets twice a year in New York City to shape the League’s policy and direction and set its budget. (The Administrative Coordinating Committee, a subcommittee of the NC, meets monthly in New York City for day-to-day oversight of the operations and staff of the National Office.) The NC consists of 28 members, all of whom must be members of WRL, i.e., signers of the WRL pledge:
- 10 appointed by and serving as representatives of WRL committees and task forces;
- 4 at-large members of, and chosen by, the Administrative Coordinating Committee;
- 6 representatives of the National Organizing Network; and
- 10 elected by the WRL membership as At-Large NC members: Four come from geographical regions of the country, one from each from the Southeast, Northeast, Northwest and Southwest. And six represent historically and currently underrepresented communities, such as people of color, youth, low-income background, and gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people, in WRL’s leadership.
This election and this ballot are for the ten at-large members representing geographic areas and underrepresented communities only. Incumbents are designated with an asterisk on their statements and on the ballot. NC terms are three years.
(See candididates’ statements)
How Were Candidates Chosen?
Nominees were chosen by inviting WRL members, local groups, and NC members to make nominations. All nominees on the ballot have signed the WRL pledge and agreed to serve if elected.
Who May Vote?
Only WRL members should vote. To verify that you are a member, simply indicate “I agree” to the pledge at the end of the online ballot or sign your name at the end of the paper ballot .
When Are Ballots Due?
Please fill in the ballot and return by April 30, 2011
MAY 1, 2011
Balloting has closed. Thanks to everyone who voted!