A (Sort of) Farewell from WRL Organizer, Ali Issa

After more than 7 years as WRL’s National Field Organizer, it’s with bittersweet feelings I share with you news of my departure from staff. All the lessons I take with me after working with this unique and powerful community are far too many to list. Let’s suffice it to say that these past 85 months have given me the chance to grow in ways I never expected, personally and politically.

I fondly hold memories of precious downtime hours (sometimes days) with the most inspiring movement builders from the frontlines: Afghanistan’s Malalai Joya, Iraq’s Jannat Alghezzi, Colombia’s Patricia Obando, and Yemen’s Afrah Nasser, just to name a few. Then there were the glittery, late-night banner painting and brainstorming sessions, especially one in 2017 where I witnessed the birth of the brilliant slogan “Drop Booties, Not Bombs!”

From the Bay Area to Boston, WRL’s acted as a key bridge across communities, movements, and generations, striving to support the visionary organizing we so need to confront the monsters of militarism and stand against all Empires – great and small – as we ground ourselves in lived hope and resistance everywhere.

Would you join me in supporting WRL’s continued struggle in creating a cross-community antiwar movement?

This really isn’t “goodbye” because I’m proud to remain an active member, planning to participate in this year’s Allied Media Conference to continue WRL’s diaspora organizing against air wars, and support the growing leadership of our members around the country. (That’s you!)   

As for my future path, in the coming weeks, I’ll be starting with New Economy Project as their coalition organizer for a Public Bank Campaign here in NYC, bringing the many powerful experiences I’ve gained to a new but related context.

Take care friends, and I’ll leave you with these tunes that have really got me going at the moment:





Ali Issa

PS: Stay tuned for upcoming hiring information + announcements as WRL National Office searches for new energy for our program and organizing work!

Photo Credit: Karen Zraick

Mural by: eL Seed