Six articles by Sidney Lens


Six articles spanning three decades on the state of the U.S. labor movement, by the peace and labor activist, socialist and occasional political candidate:

  1. The Radical Heritage
  2. The Unfinished Revolution
  3. The Coming Revolt in Labor
  4. George Meany’s Troubled Legacy
  5. Heavy Lifting: Five Not So Easy Pieces for the Unions
  6. Hold That Line

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“The mere assertion that this [the 1880s] was a decade of great industrial growth does not accurately picture the turmoil and unevenness of this development, the heartache and tribulations of the millions of immigrants and native workers who sought security in the factories and railroads being built by the ‘robber barons.’”
— Sidney Lens

Weight 1.4 oz
Dimensions 9 × 3.75 × 0.2 in

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