Table of Contents - We Have Not Been Moved

We Have Not Been Moved:
Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America

Ultimately, there can be no peace without justice, and no justice without peace. The two great moral issues of our time, peace and human rights, are so closely related that we can say that they are one and the same.
—Coretta Scott King, Madison Square Garden Anti-War Rally, June 8, 1965

A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth...A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: “This way of settling differences is not just.” ...A genuine revolution of values means in the final analysis that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies. This call for a world-wide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one’s tribe, race, class and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love.
—Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Beyond Vietnam” (1967)


Foreword: King’s Truth: Revolution and America’s Crossroads xv
Cornel West

Resisting Racism and War: An Introduction; or, What Will It Take to Move Forward? 1
Matt Meyer, Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez, and Mandy Carter

How the Moon Became a Stranger: 11

By Any Means Necessary: Two Images 14
Carrie Mae Weems

I. Connections, Contexts, and Challenges

Helping Hands 19
Karl Bissinger

Wild Poppies 20
Marilyn Buck

Are Pacifists Willing to Be Negroes? A 1950s Dialogue on Fighting Racism and Militarism, Using Nonviolence and Armed Struggle 21
Dave Dellinger, Robert Franklin Williams, Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., and Dorothy Day

Revolutionary Democracy: A Speech Against the Vietnam War 34
Bayard Rustin

Southern Peace Walk: Two Issues or One? 38
Barbara Deming

Nonviolence and Radical Social Change 48
Barbara Deming

On Revolution and Equilibrium (Excerpt) 50
Barbara Deming

Responsible Pacifism and the Puerto Rican Conflict 52
Ruth M. Reynolds

Where Was the Color in Seattle? Looking for Reasons Why the Great Battle Was So White 55
Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez

Looking for Color in the Anti-War Movement 61
Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez

Combating Oppression Inside and Outside 74
Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez

II. (Re)Defining Racism and Militarism: What Qualifies? Who Decides?

Continental Walk, 1976—Washington, D.C. 81
Janet Charles

river of a different truth 82
Liz Roberts

Nonviolent Change of Revolutionary Depth: A Conversation with 84
Vincent Harding

Regaining a Moral Compass: The Ongoing Truth of King’s Vision 92
Elizabeth McAlister

Four Vignettes on the Road of the Broken Rifle: Reflections on War and Resistance 93
Ibrahim Abdil-Mu’id Ramey

Questioning Our Reality 97
Alejandra Cecilia Tobar Alatriz

Finding the Other America 99
Anne Braden

On Being a Good Anti-Racist Ally 102
Ted Glick

The Culture of White Privilege Is to Remain Silent 104
Liz Walz

Towards a Radical White Identity 110
Susan B. Goldberg and Cameron Levin

Weaving Narratives: The Construction of Whiteness 119
Dean Johnson

The Pan-Africanization of Black Power: True History, Coalition-Building, and the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party: An Interview with Bob Brown, Organizer for the All-
African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) 137
Matt Meyer and Dan Berger

Rescuing Civil Rights from Black Power: Collective Memory and Saving the State in Twenty-First-Century Prosecutions of 1960s-Era Cases 148
Dan Berger

The Unacceptability of Truth: Of National Lies and Racial America 165
Tim Wise

Race, History, and “A Nation of Cowards” 167
Bill Fletcher Jr.

III. Chickens and Eggs: War, Race, and Class

Amache: Japanese-American Relocation Center, 1942–1945—Post Office 171
Mary Jane Sullivan

Amache 172
Mary Jane Sullivan

The Antiwar Campaign: More on Force without Violence 175
Dave Dellinger

Let’s Talk about Green Beans: An Interview with Dorothy Cotton 182
Matt Meyer and Iris Marie Bloom

I Beg to Differ 186
Ellen Barfield

Militarism and Racism: A Connection? 188
David McReynolds

Looking at the White Working Class Historically 191
David Gilbert

Chinweizu, War, and Reparations 211
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill

On Being White and Other Lies: A History of Racism in the United States 214
Mab Segrest

Race, Prisons, and War: Scenes from the History of U.S. Violence 226
Ruth Wilson Gilmore

IV. The Roots and Routes of War: Patriarchy and Heterosexism

Dean of Students Ann Marie Penzkover and Her Niece Mariah, Wisconsin 241
Andrea Modica

Genocide: Remembering Bengal, 1971 242
Sarah Husein

Why We Need Women’s Actions and Feminist Voices for Peace 244

Terror, Torture, and Resistance 248
Andrea Dworkin

Race, Sex, and Speech in Amerika 249
Andrea Dworkin

Disarmament and Masculinity 254
John Stoltenberg

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House 264
Audre Lorde

Practical, Common Sense, Day-to-Day Stuff: An Interview with Mandy Carter 267
Matt Meyer

The Rise of Eco-Feminism: The Goddess Revived 271
Kitty Mattes

Beyond the Color of Fear: An Interview with Victor Lewis (Excerpt) 276
Peggy McIntosh

The Politics of Accountability 279
Jon Cohen

Tools for White Guys Who Are Working for Social Change 282
Chris Crass

Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy: Rethinking Women of Color Organizing 285
Andrea Smith

V. The Roots and Routes of War: Nationalism, Religion, Ageism

Kafka’s Amerika 297
William P. Starr

Ten Years in Freedom 298
Dylcia Pagán

Fragmented Nationalism: Right-Wing Responses to September 11 in Historical Context 301
Matthew Lyons

Whiteness Is Not Inevitable! Why the Emphasis on White-Skin Privilege Is White-Chauvinist and Why the Problematic of “Race” Needs to be Replaced with the Restoration of the National Question(s) 331
Fred Ho

The Content of Our Character: An Interview with José López 338
Mike Staudenmaier with Matt Meyer and Dan Berger

Truly Human: Spiritual Paths in the Struggle Against Racism, Militarism, and Materialism 347
Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons

White Like Me: A Woman Rabbi Gazes into the Mirror ofAmerican Racism 361
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

Dark Satanic Mills: William Blake and the Critique of War 366
Joel Kovel

Draft Resistance and the Politics of Identity and Status 379
Edward Hasbrouck

War Resistance and Root Causes: A Strategic Exchange 388
Jim Haber and Matt Meyer

VI. Where Do We Go from Here?
Organizing Against War and Racism

Perpetual Peace Matchboxes 397
Carrie Mae Weems

Before and After: The Struggle Continues 398
Malkia M’Buzi Moore

A Reflection on Privilege 401
Chris Knestrick

We Have Not Been Moved: How the Peace Movement Has Resisted Dealing with Racism in Our Ranks 403
Matt Meyer

CISPES in the 1980s: Solidarity and Racism in the Bellyof the Beast 421
Suzanne Ross

To Live Is to Resist 434
Greg Payton and Matt Meyer

Not Showing Up: Blacks, Military Recruitment and the Anti-War Movement 437
Kenyon Farrow

A Challenge to Institutional Racism 441
Nada Khader

Where’s the Color in the Anti-War Movement? Organizers Connect the War Abroad to the War at Home 443
Momo Chang

An Open Letter to Anti-Oppression/Diversity Trainers  446
Daniel Hunter

New Orleans: A Choice Between Destruction and Reparations 450
David Billings

Why Not Freedom for Puerto Rico? Building Solidarity in the United States: An Interview with Jean Zwickel 455
Meg Starr

“National Security” and the Violation of Women: Militarized Border Rape at the U.S.-Mexico Border 461
Sylvanna Falcón

From Bases to Bars: The Military & Prison Industrial Complexes Go “Boom” 465
Mumia Abu-Jamal

Dismantling Peace Movement Myths 469
Frida Berrigan

Structural Racism and the Obama Presidency 476
john a. powell

Notes on an Orientation to the Obama Presidency 482
Linda Burnham

Where Was the White in Phoenix? ATen-Year Movement Update 485
B. Loewe

Moving Forward: Ideas for Solidarity and Strategy to Strengthen Multiracial Peace Movements 490
Clare Bayard and Francesca Fiorentini

An Anti-Racist Gandhi Manifesto 512
Sachio Ko-Yin

VII. AfterPoems

Why War Is Never a Good Idea 517
Alice Walker

Reflections after the June 12th March for Disarmament 524
Sonia Sanchez

Peace (a poem for Maxine Green) 529
Sonia Sanchez

Stop the Violence Matchbox Fishbowl 532
Carrie Mae Weems

Acknowledgments: 533
Contributors: 536
Index: 555

