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- Gaza
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- Nonviolence
War Is a Crime Against Humanity: Stop the Violence Immediately in Israel-Palestine
War Is a Crime Against Humanity: Stop the Violence Immediately in Israel-Palestine- Direct Action
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- Gaza
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- Militarism
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- Racism
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- War Taxes
Solidarity Banners for Gaza
If you are requesting a banner, please be sure to fill out our online request form hereThe War Resisters League (WRL) is proud to offer two powerful banner designs to support activism and advocacy efforts concerning the disastrous situation in Gaza. WRL is subsidizing the production of these banners, making them available at a greatly reduced cost…- Gaza
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- Palestine
2008 Peace Calendar: Salaam, Shalom, Solh
SALAAM, SHALOM, SOLH: Nonviolence & Resistance in the Middle East & Beyond WRL’s 2008 Peace Calendar From Near East and North Africa, the Arab and Muslim worlds, Israel and Palestine come stories of nonviolent action and resistance to oppression. The individuals and projects included in this calendar show that people in the Middle East have not given up on each other or on the desire to live in peace with each other and everyone else.- Gaza
WRL Endorses Gaza Freedom March
Join members of WRL in Gaza January 2, 2010 when we march to end the blockade. For more information, see: Gaza Freedom March Register for the march now!- Gaza
Weeping for Gaza: WRL Condemns the Latest Middle East Conflict
January 2009 The War Resisters League decries the horror of Gaza with a broken heart and a grief that only strengthens our commitment to the broken rifle, the icon of our 85-year-old organization. The rhetoric justifying violence—for Israel, for Israel’s backers in Washington, for Hamas—is deep and layered and rooted in real grievance and pain….- Gaza
‘Israel’s Ruthless Criminality’ – WRI statement on attack on Free Gaza Flotilla
War Resisters’ International – an international pacifist network with more than 80 affiliates in more than 40 countries – condemns the murderous Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza and calls for an immediate lifting of the blockade on Gaza. The Israeli state has been responsible for many outrages in its history, especially against…- Gaza
WRL Endorses US Boat to Gaza
May 2011 From the US Boat to Gaza statement: “This is an important moment in history. In the aftermath of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre and increased world-wide scrutiny of Israel’s blockade of Gaza, the Israeli government has mounted a huge public relations campaign spreading the lie that by letting a few more items into…- Gaza
The Time to Stand with Gaza is Now
On July 8th, Israel unleashed a brutal and sustained military offensive on the people of Gaza, who have already been confined to an open-air prison by the decade-old Israeli blockade and sealing of Gaza’s borders. Bombardment from air, land and sea is killing hundreds, displacing tens of thousands more and targeting hospitals as well as…- Direct Action
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- Gaza
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- Militarism
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- Nonviolence
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- Racism
Building a Just Peace: Boycotting Israeli Apartheid, Promoting Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance
Ever since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through the ethnic cleansing of more than 750,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homeland and the destruction of Palestinian society, many “peace plans” have been put forth to resolve the “conflict.” But virtually all these plans have had one factor in common: They have…- Direct Action
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- Gaza
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- Militarism
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- War
Caterpillar’s Head Still in the Sand!
The use of weaponized bulldozers manufactured by the Illinois-ased Caterpillar, Inc. (CAT), to demolish Palestinian homes and uproot Palestinian trees and orchards has killed dozens of Palestinians, mainly by the demolition of their homes while they are still in them. Nabila sl-Shu’bi was seven months pregnant when she, her three young children and four…