WIN Fall 2006

Lebanon After the Whirlwind

Volume: 23

Number: 4

Supplying Resistance

Supplying Resistance

In the Belly of the Green Bird: The Triumph of the Martyrs in Iraq Nir Rosen Free Press, 2006 $26.00, 288 pages Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq Thoomas E. Ricks The Penguin Press, 1006 $27.09; 496 pages When history looks back on the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, the greatest tragedy (beyond…

Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity

Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity

Revolutionary Violence and Romanticizing the Sixties Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity By Dan Berger 2006, AK Press, 450 pages $20.00, paperback Almost as pervasive as the denial, ignoring, or misinterpretation of the concept of revolutionary nonviolence is the rhetorical and romantic notion ascribed to armed struggle by much of…

Mission Rejected

Mission Rejected

Busting Out by Tej Nagaraja Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq by Peter Laufer 2006, Chelsea Green Publishing Company; 212 pages, $14, paperback Here are some troops we should all support. Peter Laufer’s Mission Rejected features individual portraits of the most admirable U.S. military resister-activists, as well as a picture of the…

WRL News

Can We Globalize Nonviolence? The 24th Triennial Conference of War Resisters International started two weeks after Israel began the bombardment of Lebanon, highlighting the urgent need for a stronger, more coherent global movement of nonviolent resistance. The new war cast its shadow over the entire conference: 200 people from across the globe gathered in Geseke,…

Mother of the Mobe

  Norma Becker 1930-2006 Born in 1930, Norma Lee Pliskin Becker, the woman who grew up to be the peace movement’s organizer-in-chief, first wanted to be a ballet dancer. As a girl, traveling from her home in the Bronx to ballet classes in Manhattan, she expected to have a future in toe shoes. But she…

Merchant of Death of the Month: Halliburton

WANTED: Halliburton Aliases/Subsidiaries Kellogg Brown and Root Cheney’s side gig Corporate Headquarters 5 Houston Center 1401 McKinney Houston, TX 77010-4008 Primary Products/Services Oil, energy, construction and military servicing CEO David J. Lesar Pentagon Contracts 2005 $ 5.8 billion Campaign contributions 2001-2006 $ 826,702 94% to Republicans Halliburton is the poster child for waste, fraud, and…

WIN News – Fall 2006

U.S. Jews Call for Justice On August 22, Jewish groups in New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and San Francisco organized direct actions to demand a cessation of Israeli military aggression in Lebanon and Palestine. Actions included a “die-in” at Penn Station in New York, banner drops over major highways in Philadelphia, and a lock-down…