WIN Winter 2011

Living the Lesson

Volume: 28

Number: 1

Your Letters

Not MLK’s Morality I find Obama’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan reprehensible and at odds with the praise given in the article “Reviewing the Obama Presidency” (WIN, Fall 2010). How does one account for his “routine expression of personal nonviolence”? Does an expression of nonviolence stop at the U.S. borders? Or as Remick and…

WRL Local Report

WRL Local Report

  Peace activists in Oklahoma don’t often expect to find themselves in the middle of an international story, much less one involving war crimes, global diplomacy, and a GI suspected of leaking a record number of classified documents. But that’s what happened when Oklahoma native Bradley Manning was arrested on suspicion of leaking the “Collateral…

No Transportation, No Education

No Transportation, No Education

Photos by Jason Masten When budget cuts threatened the program that provides transportation for New York City schoolchildren, Urban Youth Collaborative organized students to fight back. Without the student MetroCard program, which provides free public transportation to and from school, New York City K–12 students living in zones where the schools are severely overcrowded and…

The End of Public Education

The End of Public Education

And the New American Revolution Though we may not like to admit it, the U.S. commitment to publicly supported teachers and students is coming to an abrupt end. The global corporate penchant for privatization, commoditization, and enclosure is having chilling effects on policies that scholar Henry Giroux suggests “seek nothing less than the total destruction…

WIN Letter

As we go to press with this issue, student protesters at the University of Puerto Rico are standing their ground despite excessive force and abuse by police riot squads. The administration claims to be “keeping order” following a creative and peaceful action by students challenging a burdensome new fee, in addition to already climbing tuition….