Author: Kimber Heinz

Kimber Heinz is a past national organizer for the War Resisters League. She lives in Durham, North Carolina, and is a member-leader with SONG, an organization working towards queer liberation in five states across the U.S. South. She is also a board member of Under the Hood Cafe, an outpost of GI rights and resistance based outside of Ft. Hood, Texas.

Southern Intersectional Organizing in the Reagan Era: WRL Southeast

When, in late 1979, Durham, NC-based lesbian feminist organizer Joanne Abel heard about the Klan and Nazi murders of five local leftists at a Greensboro march organized by the Communist Workers Party, she called a friend at the War Resisters League. WRL Southeast office staff organizers Steve Sumerford and Dannia Southerland helped organize a contingent…

From North Carolina to the USSR: Direct Action against Nuclear Weapons

Steve Sumerford, personal collection A Durham, North Carolina newspaper article on War Resisters League Southeast staff organizer Steve Sumerford’s arrest in Moscow’s Red Square during a War Resisters League-organized banner-drop in support of ending the nuclear arms race in both the US and USSR. A sister action took place simultaneously in Washington, D.C., September 4,…

Mandy Carter and Joanne Sheehan: A Conversation Between Women Leaders in the War Resisters League

Mandy Carter and Joanne Sheehan: A Conversation Between Women Leaders in the War Resisters League

Kimber Heinz (KH): How did the two of you first get involved with WRL? Mandy Carter (MC): It came about for me because of learning about the Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, which was started by Joan Baez and Ira Sandperl in 1965. Joan had met Ira and she was interested in studying more…

Field Report

  On May 5, Field Organizer Ali Issa gave a brief presentation to about 50 people at the American Friends Service Committee Friend’s Center in Philadelphia entitled “Iraq’s Tahrir Square” about the pro-democracy movement there. Ali also got the chance to connect with delegates that had recently visited Afghanistan with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and…