Police Militarization Conferences, Trainings & Expos
War Resister’s League’s police militarization campaign #NoSWATzone has been campaigning against SWAT-training and weapons expo Urban Shield for four years. But Urban Shield is just one police training amongst hundreds. We focus on police conferences, trainings and expos because we believe they are the engine of police militarization and repression. Find research below on a handful of the police trainings happening across the US, as well as info on how we are resisting them!
Tactical Trainings Across the US:
SWAT Round-Up International Competition and Vendor Trade Show:
Resisting SWAT Round-Up: Coming Soon!
International Association of the Chiefs of Police Conference:
Illinois Tactical Officers Association:
Urban Shield:
Stop Urban Shield 2017 Campaign
Stop Urban Shield 2016 Campaign
Stop Urban Shield 2015 Campaign
Stop Urban Shield 2014 Campaign
Facing Urban Shield 2013 Campaign
National Tactical Officers Association Conference:
New York Tactical Officers Association:
California Association of Tactical Officers:
Opposing CATO’s Hate Trainings (2016)
TacsOps East
Midwest Tactical Officers Association:
National Training Concepts:
Central American Regional Security Initiative:
The Iraqi Police Education Program (IPEP):
Pennsylvania Tactical Officers Association:
Background Info