On Libya - March 3, 2011

WRL Statement on Libya  - March 3, 2011

Humanitarian Aid, Not Intervention

"When the Governor of Wisconsin is cutting back on expenditure on health, on education for the poor, and the Pentagon is spending over a trillion dollars... the conservative forces need to whip up a new militarism in the U.S. to divert attention from the struggles of the working peoples."
    ~Horace Campbell, (Syracuse University)
      on Democracy Now, 3/2/11

The uprisings for justice, democracy, and economic survival in nation after nation are inspiring. They feed our hope for a much-needed revolutionary process. Here in the United States we have been spurred into action by the peaceful rebellions throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Despite nonviolent experiments in true and enviable grassroots organizing in Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere, the people's resistance is often being met by brutal repression. We are angered and horrified by the way that Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi has ordered the murder of scores of protesters.

In the face of tumult and uncertainty, the United Statesówhich rhetorically supports democracy and human rightsóseems at a loss. The U.S. foreign policy tool box is empty save for the military sledgehammers of bombers, missiles and ìno fly zone threats.î  Just Foreign Policy notes that "to impose a 'no fly zone,' it would be necessary to preemptively attack Libyan air-defense batteries and installations to ensure that they could not shoot down U.S. or NATO planes." There is also a high likelihood of civilian deaths. It appears that the foreign policy establishmentófrom Secretary of War Robert Gates on downóis cognizant of these limitations and dangers. But given the decades of US military invasions and an unrelenting flow of US military aid to repressive regimes throughout the region, Washingtonís ability to genuinely support these movements for democracy and justiceówhich draw some inspiration and lessons from the U.S. civil rights and anti-war movementsóis seriously undermined and almost completely illegitimate.

Please urge US officials, including your Senators and Representatives, to undo this damage by providing good humanitarian aid and supporting a peaceful solution for the Libyan people. Like the courageous protesters from Yemen to Wisconsin, we, too need to show our solidarity and desire for change in the streets.

Thank you for standing for nonviolence and change,

War Resisters League

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