
Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes FY2025


The new War Resisters League's annual "pie chart" flyer, Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes, analyzes the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Budget (FY 2025 is 1 October 2024 - 30 September 2025).  This FY2025 issue was published in March 2024.


Letter from WIN

The human capacity for injustice can be a breathtaking thing.  Iraqis living under U.S. occupation face a regime “far more cruel, deadly and venal than anything that existed under Hussein,” writes A.K. Gupta in his analysis of the Iraq war.  Iraqis must deal with daily bomb attacks mass killings by death squads, impunity of the occupation forcs, adn a lack of the most basic services like electricity, water, and health care.

2008 Peace Calendar: Salaam, Shalom, Solh

Nonviolence & Resistance in the Middle East & Beyond

WRL’s 2008 Peace Calendar

From Near East and North Africa, the Arab and Muslim worlds, Israel and Palestine come stories of nonviolent action and resistance to oppression. The individuals and projects included in this calendar show that people in the Middle East have not given up on each other or on the desire to live in peace with each other and everyone else.


The Time to Stand with Gaza is Now

Gaza Beach by Amir Schiby

On July 8th, Israel unleashed a brutal and sustained military offensive on the people of Gaza, who have already been confined to an open-air prison by the decade-old Israeli blockade and sealing of Gaza's borders. Bombardment from air, land and sea is killing hundreds, displacing tens of thousands more and targeting hospitals as well as other infrastructure crucial for survival. The reports on the atrocities are horrifying and the resistance and resilience of the Palestinian people continues to provide global inspiration.


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